3 things you must avoid if you don't want to lose your SWEET RELATIONSHIP

👉 Crack Affairs 👈

3 things you must avoid if you don't want to lose your SWEET RELATIONSHIP

When you're loyal to your partner, especially when what they tell you shouldn't be shared with anyone else.
Betraying your lover's trust in this way is guaranteed to cause trouble in a relationship because your partner won't feel comfortable confiding in you.

1. About every disagreement.

This will cause your friends to disapprove your partner. Disagreements happen in relationships. As long as they don't turn verbally, physically, orally or emotionally abusive, keep them between you and your partner. Remember - you're dating your girl not your friends

2. How bad your partner behave sometimes.(this should not allow you to change your natural behaviour to your lover)

.3. Details about what happens in the bedroom.

We've all discussed our bedroom antics with our friends, and there's nothing wrong with that. The problem occurs if you go into great detail bout your partner.

4. How caring and romantic your partner is, always know every woman want such a man, don't cause for yourself.

5. How your lover give you a lot money all the time.

6. Your partner's personal issues.
Your partner's personal issues are none of your friend's business, P...IOD! It's totally disrespectful to disclose personal problems that your lover is having to your friends.

Many people keep the intimate details of their romantic relationships very private. For the most part, what happens within the confines of our relationships is sacred to us, except when we are communicating with our closest friends. We've all confided in our friends about our partner at some point.

Always keep in mind that friends are neutral to you, you are the one to choose what to tell your friends so keep away your love affairs from your friends, you never know who is who.