Ladies : 3 strong ways to stop your guy from demanding S from you

👉 Crack Affairs 👈

Dating these days has actually become something else among lovers. And that's why some relationship won't even last for a month not to talk of even a year

Dating/ relationship is not meant to be a pleasure serving medium but for the fact that most people will be like "I love him so much, I don't want to leave him'. They will now start going extra mile(doing what's not suppose to be done) in a relationship.

So common among guys is their unquenchable demand for S constantly and leaving their lover ( the girl) in despair for not willing to satisfy their S need.

If you're a lady and you've notice such a character in your guy/ man, i've figured out some 3 powerful ways in which you can stop your guy/ man from demanding S from you.

1. Ladies you can stop a guy from demanding or over demanding of room things or for bed-matters not to involve in the relationship at all. listen ladies sometimes i blame you ladies for whats happening this days, is you that do entise him with different dressing and that usually lead to something else,well listen In the beginning of the relationship or during when he's asking you out,you need to tell him before dating him that you have rule and regulation..

You might say 

this look really confusing but the fact is that its the best option for you to abstain from S while dating your guy. If the guy truly loves you, he will not hesitate to accept your rules and that will also assure you that he's truly in for the relationship.

2. Avoid regular visit to your guy in disclosed or secret place as this can be so much tempting. Even if you have to go to his house, do not go alone. 
Get accompanied by one or two friend because even though he has accept your dating rules earlier, feelings can change anytime and he can be tempted.

3. Say less or no foul words. Foul words can be inspiring or motivating but in a wrong way it would. Even if your guy say such words maybe while chatting or when on phone, try to change the topic of discussion as fast as possible.

Be smart enough!